Vicky Kaushal has confirmed that Sardar Udham, his next film, will be released on Amazon Prime Video in October of this year. To share the news, the actor turned to his accounts on the internet. In the past, the movie’s release date was set for January of this year. The film’s original title was Sardar Udham Singh, but the Singh part has been omitted by the producers. The film, which was directed by Shoojit Sircar and starring Amol Parashar, Ronnie Lahiri, and Sheel Kumar share production duties.
Sardar Udham, Vicky Kaushal’s latest project, has just wrapped off its dubbing phase. The Uri actor posted to Instagram on Wednesday, September 23 to announce that his future film will be released exclusively on streaming services like Netflix and Amazon Prime Video. In his letter, he stated: “As we tell you the narrative of a revolutionary, my heart is full of love. Watch @primevideoin (sic#SardarUdhamOnPrime )’s this October if you can.”
Assassinating former Lieutenant Governor of Punjab, Michael O’ Dwyer in 1940, freedom fighter Sardar Udham Singh is the subject of the film Sardar Udham, which depicts his life on the big screen. The assassination was meant to revenge the Amritsar massacre of April 13, 1919, known as the Jallianwala Bagh tragedy.